Examen de Inglés de Navarra (selectividad de 2009)

upJ Nforrooko Uailmi1orublio PRUEBAS DE ACCESO A LA UNIVERSIDAD CURSO 20082009 INGLÉS UNIBERSITATEAN SARTZEKO PROBAK 20082009 IKASTURTEA INGELESA US Becomes Historys Biggest Jailer Meet One of the Two Million The US reached a ghastly milestone on February 15 the US prison and jail 1 population reached a record 2 million persons According to the Justice Policy Jnstitute the US comprises 5 of the worlds population yet has fully 25 of the worlds prisoners Violent crime has dropped by 21  since 199…
Comunidad AutĂłnoma Navarra
Asignatura Inglés
Convocatoria Extraordinaria de 2009
Fase General

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