Examen de Inglés de el País Vasco (EAU de 2021)

Inglés EAU 2021 wwwehueus UNIBERTSITATERA SARTZEKO EBALUAZIOA 2021eko OHIKOA EVALUACIÓN PARA EL ACCESO A LA UNIVERSIDAD ORDINARIA 2021 INGELESA INGLÉS Choose between option A and option B Specify the option you have chosen Please dont forget to write down your code on each of your answer sheets OPTION A PLASTIC SCHOOL Every morning students go to Akshar School Assam India with a bag of plastic waste and in exchange they get their days lessons Akshar School started by Mazin Mukhtar and his wife …
Comunidad AutĂłnoma PaĂ­s Vasco
Asignatura Inglés
Convocatoria Ordinaria de 2021
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