Examen de Inglés de Aragón (EvAU de 2022)

EVALUACIÓN DE BACHILLERATO PARA EL ACCESO A LA UNIVERSIDAD CONVOCATORIA ORDINARIA DE 2022 EJERCICIO DE LENGUA EXTRANJERA II  INGLÉS TIEMPO DISPONIBLE 1 hora 30 minutos PUNTUACIÓN QUE SE OTORGARÁ A ESTE EJERCICIO véanse las distintas partes del examen Please choose ONE of the options given A or B for each of the three blocks below Reading Comprehension  Use of English Rephrasing  Writing The option chosen can change from block to block but it must be the same for all the exercises in BLOCK 1 The…
Comunidad Autónoma Aragón
Asignatura Inglés
Convocatoria Ordinaria de 2022
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Im ursprünglichen Sinne sind Antibiotika (von griech. anti- „gegen“ und βίος bios „Leben“, mit lateinischer Endung im Singular das Antibiotikum, im Plural Antibiotika) natürlich gebildete, niedermolekulare Stoffwechselprodukte von Pilzen oder Bakterien, die schon in geringer Konzentration das Wachstum anderer Mikroorganismen hemmen oder diese abtöten.

Fuente: wikipedia.org

An example of a phishing email, disguised as an official email from a (fictional) bank. The sender is attempting to trick the recipient into revealing confidential information by "confirming" it at the phisher's website. Note the misspelling of the words received and discrepancy as and, respectively.

Fuente: wikipedia.org
Põdra, Tartu County

Põdra is a village in Peipsiääre Parish, Tartu County in Estonia. References.

Fuente: wikipedia.org

Ransomware is a type of malware from crypto virology that threatens to publish. the victim's personal data or perpetually block access to it unless a ransom is paid. While some simple ransomware may lock the system without damaging any files, more advanced malware uses a technique called cryptoviral extortion. It encrypts the victim's files, making them inaccessible, and demands a ransom payment to decrypt them. In a properly implemented cryptoviral extortion attack, recovering the files without the decryption key is an intractable problem – and difficult to trace digital currencies such as paysafecard or Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are used for the ransoms, making tracing and prosecuting the perpetrators difficult.

Fuente: wikipedia.org

Malware (a portmanteau for malicious software) is any software intentionally designed to cause disruption to a computer, server, client, or computer network, leak private information, gain unauthorized access to information or systems, deprive users access to information or which unknowingly interferes with the user's computer security and privacy. By contrast, software that causes harm due to some deficiency is typically described as a software bug. Malware poses serious problems to individuals and businesses on the Internet. According to Symantec’s 2018 Internet Security Threat Report (ISTR), malware variants number has increased to 669,947,865 in 2017, which is twice as many malware variants as in 2016. Cybercrime, which includes malware attacks as well as other crimes committed by computer, was predicted to cost the world economy 6 trillion dollars in 2021, and is increasing at a rate of 15% per year.

Fuente: wikipedia.org

Cryptovirology is a field that studies how to use cryptography to design powerful malicious software. The field was born with the observation that public-key cryptography can be used to break the symmetry between what an antivirus analyst sees regarding malware and what the attacker sees. The antivirus analyst sees a public key contained in the malware, whereas the attacker sees the public key contained in the malware as well as the corresponding private key (outside the malware) since the attacker created the key pair for the attack. The public key allows the malware to perform trapdoor one-way operations on the victim's computer that only the attacker can undo.

Fuente: wikipedia.org
Internet in the United States

The Internet in the United States grew out of the ARPANET, a network sponsored by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense during the 1960s. The Internet in the United States in turn provided the foundation for the worldwide Internet of today.

Fuente: wikipedia.org
Individualist anarchism in Europe
Individualist anarchism in Europe

Individualist anarchism in Europe proceeded from the roots laid by William Godwin and soon expanded and diversified through Europe, incorporating influences from individualist anarchism in the United States. Individualist anarchism is a tradition of thought within the anarchist movement that emphasize the individual and his or her will over external determinants such as groups, society, traditions, and ideological systems. While most American individualist anarchists advocate mutualism, a libertarian socialist form of market socialism, or a free-market socialist form of classical economics, European individualist anarchists are pluralists who advocate anarchism without adjectives and synthesis anarchism, ranging from anarcho-communist to mutualist economic types.

Fuente: wikipedia.org
Child pornography
Child pornography

Child pornography (also called CP, child sexual abuse material, CSAM, child porn, or kiddie porn) is pornography that unlawfully exploits children for sexual stimulation. It may be produced with the direct involvement or sexual assault of a child (also known as child sexual abuse images) or it may be simulated child pornography. Abuse of the child occurs during the sexual acts or lascivious exhibitions of genitals or pubic areas which are recorded in the production of child pornography. Child pornography may use a variety of mediums, including writings, magazines, photos, sculpture, drawing, painting, animation, sound recording, video, and video games. Child pornography may be created for profit or other reasons.

Fuente: wikipedia.org